Vulval Issues


Issues with the vulva can be uncomfortable. Itching, burning or pain is not normal, and we encourage people to seek help if they experience any of these symptoms.

The external area of female genitalia is called the vulva (not the vagina — a common misconception!). Think of it as the area that comes into contact with your underpants.

From time to time, many people will experience discomfort in this area. Seeing a women’s health GP is the best way to identify and treat what’s going on. There are many common conditions affecting the vulva including yeast (candida) or bacterial infections, herpes, precancerous skin conditions, menopausal changes, and skin problems such as eczema or psoriasis. A thorough consultation and examination, and usually some tests, can help guide treatment as too often many vulval conditions are made worse or prolonged by using the wrong creams and potions!


Breast Health


Cervical Screening