Sexual Health
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
All sexually active people are encouraged to have regular sexual health check-ups/STI screening at least once per year. More frequent screening is recommended if you have more than one sexual partners or if you change your regular partner. If you have no symptoms, then an examination is usually not required and you can just provide a urine sample or self-collect a swab sample from the lower vagina or anus in the bathroom. We can talk through what are the right tests for you depending on your personal situation.
Anyone with pain or abnormal discharge or concerns should be seen promptly to make sure appropriate tests and treatment are provided. We will try to fit you in for assessment as quickly as possible, so please call reception if an online appointment is not available within 48hrs. Contact tracing and treatment for sexual partners can also be provided.
Common conditions we treat include:
Herpes simplex
Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)/ genital warts
Mycoplasma genitalium
We are currently involved with the MOCCA trial with the University of Sydney, which is involved in developing resources and guidelines for managing Chlamydia in Australian general practice.